READ: Luke 10:11-15

Have faith in Go By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. – Hebrews 11:27

Have faith in God and you will be able to go where God sends you. Most people are stuck in one place
and unable to move to the place of their prosperity. Sometimes, it is where you are located that determines your prosperity; whether you will flourish or not.

Your master key to increasing your faith is in hearing a word from God. All kinds of teachings increase your faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. Moses had to migrate to the deserts and the wilderness in order to become the great prophet he was.

Joseph had to go to Egypt before he could become the famous Prime Minister and economic consultant that he was.

Ruth had to leave Moab and go to Israel in order to become the great grandmother of David.

Jesus had to go to Chorazin and Bethsaida in order to do His greatest works. He simply could not do great works in Nazareth and other places where He had grown up.

Today, there is a city, there is a community, there is a nation that awaits you. Without faith you will not go there. Without faith, you will not follow the leading of the Lord and head to the city of your destiny.

Many Christians follow money instead of following God. Many believers follow the bright flashing lights of wealthy cities instead of following God. When you are a man of faith, you will follow the word of God and believe in the Holy Spirit.