READ: 2 Corinthians 5:9-11

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” – Hebrews 9:27

Judgment day will come to every single human being on the earth. The problem is that these dates have not been revealed to us. This is what makes our commission even more urgent. We must rush out there and inform people that judgment day is coming. Judgment day may be very unexpected.

There are two ways in which a sudden and unexpected judgment is going to come. One way is to die. Most people are surprised when they die. They are alive one day; then they find they are unable to do what they used to do. I remember a lady who was travelling abroad for a concert. She had bought her plane ticket and had millions of fans lined up for her programs. But she died suddenly in anaccident the night before she could leave. She must have been surprised that she was not in the countries she had planned to perform in. She was suddenly in a place where all her plans, purposes and pursuits were no more.

The second way in which sudden and unexpected judgment will come is through the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus will return any day from now. There is enough confusion in the world that warrants the appearance of a Saviour. There are so many volcanoes, wars, earthquakes and rumours of wars, to prove that it may be time for Jesus to return.

Many of the prophecies of Jesus have been fulfilled. No one can tell exactly when Jesus will return. It may be in my lifetime; it may be in yours! The Great Commission according to Peter is to prepare the world for a sudden and abrupt ending to everything.