READ: Revelation 6:1-11

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” – Revelation 6:8

Death is one of the greatest moments in a Christian’s life. It is a moment we all dread but will have to face anyway. Most people do not think about death at all. Unspiritual people do not think of death at all. Most ministers of the gospel consider death to be a very negative thing that should not be discussed. However, there are many secrets hidden in the reality of death.

Death is a deeply spiritual event. As you can see in the scripture above (Revelation 6:8), long before a whole lot of people died, a pale horse with a rider called death had been released to gallop through the heavens. Through this spiritual event, by means of this spiritual horse, a quarter of the people on earth were killed by hunger, death and wild animals.

Many people are dead long before they actually die physically because the move towards death has already taken place in the spirit. It is important that you view death in a very spiritual way.

God has given us spiritual power. And what are we doing with this power? Many things have a spiritual origin. Death equally has a spiritual origin! The scripture shows us that death occurred when a spiritual horse with a spiritual rider went out riding. Since death is such a spiritual event involving spiritual horses and spiritual riders, it is possible to block it, challenge it, delay it or fight it in the spirit realm. In other words, you can use your spiritual power to pray about death when it is coming for you. You do not have to die before your time.