READ: Genesis 8:20-22

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. – Genesis 8:22

Most churches have outreach ministries and groups that involve a few people. Most pastors do not
involve the whole church in outreaches. When everyone joins in the outreach, you will get very different results. Stop restricting outreaches to little groups. Start involving the whole church in reaching out, winning the lost and turning souls to the Lord. Every single church member will be blessed as they
help to build the double mega missionary church.

It is time for you to develop a cycle of massive outreach, soul winning and invitations that involve the entire church. This great effort must not be exerted every Sunday; otherwise the people will get tired of winning souls. You must exert a great effort and then rest. And then exert another great effort and then rest again! This is exactly how the heart is able to keep on beating for so long. It exerts a great effort
and then rests absolutely and totally. Then it pumps with a great big effort and then rests absolutely again. Through this cycle of great exertion and great rest, the heart is the most hardworking part of your body, beating as many as eighty times a minute from the time you were born till today.

You will notice that fruits are not borne all the time. Fruits come in a season and then they are gone. The fruits of your church’s evangelism, soul winning and visitation will not be borne every Sunday. It is not possible to sustain great efforts for a long time. The church must enjoy cycles and growth.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that BRINGETH FORTH HIS FRUIT IN HIS SEASON; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalms 1:3