READ: Mark 16:14-20

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” – Mark 16:15-16

Each and every one of the apostles repeated the Great Commission because they were the last words of Jesus Christ to us all. The Great Commission is a commission to all nations.

Few churches ever look beyond their horizon to see if there are souls that need their good news. Churches are happy with their nice times, nice games, nice conferences, nice get-togethers, nice Easter and Christmas parties, nice choirs, nice lights and nice families.

We are expected to go to all nations. Because we do not go to nations, some nations are totally overwhelmed with other religions. There is a clear correlation between the religion in a country and the fulfilment of the commission by obedient commissioners. Wherever a great commissioner went, that nation turned to Jesus Christ.

I once visited Malta and found a nation that claimed to be Christian. They claimed to be Christian because Apostle Paul was marooned on that island. His going to that island turned the whole island to Christ. Wherever a great commissioner goes, the nation turns to Christ.

I once visited Chennai in the southern part of India. I was told that this part of India had a lot of Christians. Apparently, doubting Thomas the disciple of Jesus, had gone to Chennai as a great commissioner of the gospel. The rest of India did not have the blessing of having a great commissioner so it fell to other religions.

Failing to obey the Great Commission of Jesus Christ is the reason why many people are not saved today. Entire nations and regions have fallen to darkness because believers would not even talk about the Great Commission of Jesus.