READ: Deuteronomy 9:22-29

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” – Hebrews 11:6

If you are a man of faith you must move forward. Moving forward is to step into new things that God leads you to. There will be uncertainty! There will be risk! That is where faith comes in. Faith is to move forward into unchartered territory! Faith pleases God! Going forward into unknown realms pleases God!

Without faith you cannot please God. It is imperative that you walk by faith! It is imperative that you go forward, go up, and possess the land. That is faith! You must decide to keep moving forward and possess the land that God gives to you. Advancing is an act of faith.

When you move forward you are exercising faith. Faith is obedience to the commandment to go forward. When you move forward in your ministry, you are walking in faith and you are pleasing God. All forward movements in the ministry are the exercising of faith.

People who have stagnant ministries have stopped walking by faith! To move forward is to walk by faith. Every time you move forward there is uncertainty and you are not sure whether you will succeed or not. Walking in the uncertainty creates the risk that characterizes every step of faith. Do not be afraid to walk in risk and uncertainty. That is how to exercise your faith! That is how to please God! Moving forward pleases God. Move forward in your ministry. Move forward in your church.

What has God called you to do? There is a new land, a new dimension, a new project, a new vision and a new level that lies just ahead of you. By faith you will move forward into all these new things. Do not sit there in doubt and unbelief. It is time to be a man of faith. It is time to move forward.