READ: Mark 11:12-26

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God… Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, …” – Mark 11:12, 24-25

Jesus taught us how to pray the prayers of faith. His teachings contained four main points. Let us once again learn from Jesus on how to operate in faith whilst praying.

1. Have the faith of God. Have the God kind of faith. Have faith in what God says. Don’t have faith in man. Have faith in God. Think about big things that only God can do. God will bless you and do things that are only possible through God. What is the point of asking God to do things that a human being can do?

2. Move mountains by faith. A mountain is something not made by man. A mountain represents a problem without a human solution. A mountain represents something beyond your abilities. Through your prayers and words of faith, you will do the impossible and create what has not been seen before. You will reach heights that no one in your family ever has.

3. When you pray, believe that you receive! You must actually believe that you have the answers in your hands when you are praying. Those who pray Prayers of faith do not wait to see anything before talking or acting like it’s done. Begin speaking great things that only God could ever do. Say the biggest words you have ever thought of. God will perform it according to His word. Prophesy greatness and it will come to pass.

4. Forgive those who wrong you. Jesus taught that faith people must forgive all the time. Having the faith of God includes forgiving the wrongdoers of your life. Why is this? Faith prayers really yield high results therefore faith people must forgive a lot. Walking in faith prayers therefore requires you to be very forgiving. This is why Jesus combined the teaching of forgiveness with the teaching of the prayer of faith.