READ: Romans 1:26-32

Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; ….Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:” – Romans 1:29-31

The principle that an unsaved spirit is desperately wicked is manifest every day of our lives.

Not only is the spirit of the unsaved man darkened with death but the mind of the unsaved human race has also degenerated into a depraved condition.

God has warned Christians against marrying non-Christians because a nonChristian has an unregenerate spirit and is capable of many evil things. As I grew up in life I came to discover that covenant breaking was part and parcel of the unbeliever’s lifestyle. One of the things that an unbeliever is filled with is covenant breaking (Romans 1:31). They say, “I will” and “I do”, but they won’t and they don’t. Most unbelievers do not stick to their word. It is rare to find an unbeliever who is faithful to his marriage covenant. One man told me, “I have never seen a faithful unbeliever husband before.”

This is the reason why God says Christians should not marry unbelievers. Do not think that God is trying to punish you by telling you not to marry an unbeliever. God is trying to prevent your heart from being broken by a covenant breaker.

Do not be deceived by the dignified appearance of the unbeliever. He may be a school prefect, a class prefect, a minister of state or even the president. The nature of an unsaved person is described in detail for you in Romans 1:29-31

Believe in the Bible more than you believe your eyes. The Bible is the Word of God and is profitable for your instruction.