Church Expansion

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls


There are times when one wonders whether the church is really advancing or not. There are many activities in the church and many programmes are being held. But is the kingdom of God really marching forward or is it moving in circles?

Sometimes in a large city you see new churches springing up. Often, these new churches become the talk of the town and it looks as though God is doing something new. Everyone flocks to the church and everyone seems to take a liking to this new thing. A closer look at these new movements, however, often reveals that the new congregations are made up of people who simply migrated from another nearby church.

The kingdom of God is full of carnal Christians who are always looking for something new and exciting. Many pastors get excited because they think their churches are growing and there is a revival. In reality, there is little overall growth in the kingdom of God. People are simply rotating from church to church. The kingdom of God needs to advance in reality.

Years ago, Europeans sent missionaries to Africa and Asia. Through this act of sacrifice, whole nations have been Christianized. People who were previously pagans have been converted to Christ. Let us not deceive ourselves: there are many more people in the world today. There are also many people who do not have an effective church or pastor. There is an even greater need today for real advancement of the church into un-Christianized territories.

When Europeans sent out missionaries two hundred years ago, there were only one billion people in the world. Today, in the year 2004, there are 6.1 billion people in the world. The secular world always complains about the ratio of doctors to the population.

Does anyone complain about the ratio of pastors to the population? How many evangelists are there compared to the millions of people living today?

How to Advance the Kingdom

The kingdom of God will experience a real advancement when we follow Christ’s instruction. Jesus’ last command was to go into the world and to make disciples!

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. GO YE THEREFORE, AND TEACH ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Matthew 28:18-20

In this Scripture, Jesus tells all of us to teach people “the Word of God”. There is no way you can teach people unless you regularly gather them together.

What a Church Really Is

A regular gathering of Christians for the purpose of teaching is called “a church”. In other words, our Lord was telling us to go into all the world and gather people together regularly in order to teach them the word. God is in the business of creating gatherings of teachable people. God by His Spirit is raising men who will go into all parts of the world to gather people regularly to teach them His word.

The more gatherings and groups there are, the more the Great Commission is being fulfilled. The more groups that are taught, the more the Great Commission is being fulfilled. These groups are the churches that are being planted by obedient servants of the Lord.

We Love to Impress People

Unfortunately, because most pastors are so concerned about what people think, they cannot effectively fulfil this Great Commission. We want to have one big impressive gathering for all to see! We want people to think we are great! After all, the more people there are in the congregation, the more important the pastor looks.

In the MULTITUDE OF PEOPLE is the king’s honour(approval and endorsement) …

Proverbs 14:28

There is a need to start many gatherings of people in every possible location in order that we fulfil the Great Commission. The vastness of the world and the distribution of people demands that pastors and people move away from the one congregation church to multiple gatherings in different locations. If we are really serious about obeying our Lord, then we have no choice than to obey this.

Leaders must be trained. Pastors must be trained. Workers must be trained. The “superstar” mentality of the church must die. This superstar mentality wants us to have one great pastor whom everybody acknowledges and praises.

We are often deceived into thinking that the pastor with the largest congregation will be the greatest in Heaven. This will not be the case. The pastor who will be greatest in Heaven is the most humble and childlike pastor.

At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, WHO IS THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, THE SAME IS GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

Matthew 18:1-4

Jesus made it very clear who was going to be the greatest in the kingdom. No one can tell your humility by the size of your congregation. In fact, pastors with small congregations are likely to be more humble (and therefore greater in Heaven) than pastors with big congregations.

What we need is more congregations, more churches and more fruit for our Master. Let us plant churches! “A church at every door and in every language” must be the goal of every true servant of God. A gathering at every electric pole or under every tree will make the kingdom go forward.

Let’s stop trying to impress people. Let’s stop assessing our ministries by the size of our congregations. Let’s have the gatherings. Dear church leaders, do not seek for the honour of men but for the honour (approval and endorsement) of God.

How can ye believe, which receive honour(approval and endorsement) one of another, and seek not the honour (approval and endorsement) that cometh from God only?

John 5:44

Is Evangelism the Fulfilling of the Great Commission?

Evangelism and crusades are good, as they are the starting point of these teachings. Evangelists must go forth. But are they really fulfilling the Great Commission? Yes and No! YES, because they have started the process and NO, because without the teaching, which comes by establishing churches, the Great Commission will not be truly fulfilled.

Simply put, THE GREAT COMMISSION IS EVANGELISM FOLLOWED BY PLANTING OF CHURCHES. The churches are the gatherings and these gatherings are then taught the Word.

Plant Churches in Virgin Territories

Above all, churches must be planted where the Lord directs us. Churches must be planted in the cities and in the villages.

I see the need for churches to be planted in virgin territories. Most of us concentrate on areas where things are already working. But I tell you, there are many untouched areas where God has called us to. The passion and the commitment to soul winning and church planting must come back into the church and we must sacrifice our young men for this.

Pastors must be concerned that Islam is taking over large sections of Africa and the world, as the church looks on unconcerned. Moslems are sacrificial and do not mind going to the furthermost towns and villages of many nations.

Meanwhile the Christians, who have been commanded to go to the uttermost parts of the Earth, are sitting in the nearest and most convenient cities of the world!

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and UNTO THE NEAREST, MOST CONVENIENT AND PROSPEROUS CITIES OF THE WORLD! (Which Bible is this?)

Furthermore, by these few pages, my son, be admonished because of making many books there is no end.

by Dag Heward-Mills