READ: Hebrews 13:5-7

… but they first gave themselves to the LORD and to us by the will of God.” – 2 Corinthians 8:5 (NASB)

Years ago, I was reading a book when the Holy Spirit told me to receive the author of the book as a father. That was an important instruction from the Holy Spirit to me. God had decided to use this author and his writings to guide me as a father would personally advise a son. On several occasions I would open to a page in this man’s books and immediately know what I had to do in the ministry. Time and time again, the Lord has spoken clearly to me through this minister’s books. It is as though the Holy Spirit spoke audibly to me on different occasions.

You will get closer to the perfect will of God as you openly accept to commit yourself to someone by the will of God. Following a man and submitting yourself to him is not an easy thing to do. It will be fraught with challenges and tests. If you do not believe that you are in the will of God, your journey of humility and mentorship will end in confusion, accusations and destroyed relationships. Maintain relationships based on what you believe is the will of God.

The perfect will of God is important when you are committing your life to someone. In the ministry, you may have to commit your life to someone who will train, mentor and father you. It is important for you to commit yourself to another human being only according to the will of God.