READ: Jeremiah 23:31-40

Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD…and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not …” – Jeremiah 23:32

The ministry is no easy job and no one should venture into ministry using lightness. Identify people who enter the ministry casually, not considering the gravity of what it means to work for God.

This is what Jeremiah meant when he said the people use lightness to minister. The ministry is no easy job.

One day, somebody saw me driving a nice car and I heard him make an amazing comment. He said, “We should all become pastors and start churches, then we will have such nice cars.”

God made me hear the voice of that ignoramus because it is the secret thought of many other ignoramuses. I welcome anyone who wants to become a minister so that he can have a nice car but I would advise him to take some bandages for his wounds, for when he falls flat on his face!

Anyone who lightly takes on the job of ministry does not understand what he is doing. I often recognize wisdom in people who hesitate to come into full-time ministry. I often sense caution and carefulness in them and I know they are wisely considering the realities of what ministry entails.