READ: Acts 8:26-39

…Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would  come up and sit with him.“ – Acts 8:30-31

Asking questions and seeking clarification may seem like a little thing but it is that which has made a difference between different groups of people on earth. People have searched for big differences to explain the disparity between groups of people. They have tried to measure brain size, intelligence and IQ. They always came up with a blank because the big things are the same.

God made us all the same and equally capable. It is little differences that make the big difference. Today , some people want to know whether there is water and life on Mars whilst others cannot find water on earth to flush their toilets. Have you noticed how some groups on the planet seek to study and to understand lions, leopards, antelopes, worms, flies, birds, sharks, whales and snakes? Other groups of people just kill them when they come across them. These little differences cause the disparity that you see in people.

In the ministry, the large differences between ministers and churches is also caused by this very thing. Some people never ask, “Why is this person able to have a big church? How were you able to do this? Is it the anointing? If it is the anointing how can I also have the anointing? How did you get that anointing?” Sadly , many ministers do not seek clarification. Many ministers do not ask questions. They just assume that they know. They just assume that there are negative reasons for people’s success. Because of this, big differences develop between ministers with the same kind of divine call.