READ: Philippians 2:20-22

But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.“ – 2 Thessalonians 3:13

God wants people who concern themselves with His work.

Notice from today’s Scripture, an age-old problem: Everybody was looking out for his own welfare. Nobody really cared about God’s work. Everybody is thinking about himself and his problems. If you make God’s kingdom your primary concern and intercede for people like Abraham did, you will attract God’s supernatural blessings.

In 1985, while in the third year of the medical school, I took a decision for the Lord. I decided not to seek for academic laurels anymore. I had just finished the second year and had concluded that it was not worth striving for earthly crowns. I remember telling my beloved, “From now, I am not interested in qualifying with a distinction from this school. I don’t want any prizes. All I want to do is pass my exams.” I added, “From now on, I’m going to build God’s kingdom and the church.”

It was from that point on wards that I began to develop into a pastor and eventually established the church, Lighthouse Chapel International. It is interesting to note that when I took the decision not to seek great academic laurels, I ended up getting distinctions and winning awards.

You see, in the kingdom, the way up is the way down. In the kingdom, the way to get is to give. In the kingdom, the way to solve your problems is to solve God’s problems.