READ: 2 Samuel 20:4-10, 1 Kings 2:1,5-6

“…so he smote him therewith in the fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to the ground, and struck him not again; and he died.“ – 2 Samuel 20:10

David appointed Amasa to be the commander of the army in place of Joab. Joab tricked Amasa and killed him when he was not expecting it.

One of the things I look out for is how people relate with those I have appointed. When you have a large church, this is the most revealing sign of disloyalty. Because people always have to deal with you through your representatives, you get to learn about their real feelings towards you by observing how they relate with those you have appointed. Somebody who does not accept your wife does not accept you.

I always note people who are in constant dispute with my administrators, General Overseers, personal assistants and secretaries. To me, it is one of the clearest signs of disregard, disrespect and dislike for me personally. It has made me understand how God feels when we criticize and reject the men he has called and anointed. To criticize someone God has called and appointed is to say that God lacks intelligence and has foolishly appointed the wrong people. When people habitually fight and oppose those I have appointed, it surely sends a message to me.