READ: Acts 14:21-28

“And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities.“ – Matthew 1 1:1


The kingdom of God will surely experience a real advance when we follow Christ’s instruction. His last command was that we go into the world to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

In this Scripture, Jesus tells all of us to teach people the Word of God. There is no way you can teach people unless you gather them together regularly.

This regular gathering for the purpose of teaching is called “a church”. In other words, our Lord was telling us to go into all the world and gather people together regularly in order to teach them the Word. God is in the business of creating gatherings of teachable people.

God by His Spirit is raising men who will go into all parts of the world to gather people regularly to teach them His Word. The more gatherings and groups there are, the more the Great Commission is being fulfilled. These groups are the churches that are being planted by obedient servants of the Lord.

There is a need to start many gatherings of people in every possible location in order that we fulfill the Great Commission. The vastness of the world and the distribution of people demands that pastors and people move away from the one congregation church to multiple gatherings in different locations. If we are really serious about obeying our Lord, then we have no choice than to obey this.