READ: Exodus 14:5-22

“Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.” – Ecclesiastes 9:15

When the Church failed to send out missionaries, the Lord allowed persecution to speak a little louder about missionary work. Can you see what power lay within the disciples who were gathered together in Jerusalem? They just had to go! When they went, great things happened. You have no idea what will happen when you go.

I speak to all pastors and men of authority in the Church. It is your duty to send men and women as missionaries into the entire world. If you fail to do this, you are inadvertently sentencing those parts of the world to spiritual death and Hell.

I shudder when I imagine what it would have been like if missionaries had not sacrificed their lives for some of us to know Jesus. It is this very thought that spurs me on in my quest for world evangelism. I know that within me lies the power to teach whole nations. By your obedience, multitudes will find peace and salvation. I think we often do not know the effect of one man’s obedience. “Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation; even so BY THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF ONE THE FREE GIFT CAME UPON ALL MEN…” (Romans 5:18).

It is amazing to see the extent of missionary activities carried out by white people in West Africa. May we go further than they did, because we have more knowledge, more revelation, more equipment and more access! May we cover more remote areas than they did!