READ: Matthew 21:33-46

“…yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. ” – 1 Corinthians 4:15

God sends fathers into our lives. Unfortunately , we either do not recognize them, or we fight them. This parable clearly shows that God will judge us for the way we relate to the people He sends us.

Receiving a father involves receiving an all-embracing ministry from the father. In the natural, your biological father affects you in many ways. He teaches you how to eat, how to dress, and how to live. He gives you wisdom, advice and little lessons for life. He sets an example for you to follow and stands as a source of inspiration and direction.

Compare this with your teachers from your school. These instructors often do not guide and inspire us as our fathers do. When you come across someone who seems to have this wideranging influence on your life, you have probably met one of the fathers that God has ordained for you.

Some people make the mistake of receiving their fathers as mere instructors, by not embracing all the aspects of fatherly input. One day , I was enjoying the tape of a man of God and the Lord said to me, “I sent this man to you as a father.” From that moment, I opened my heart to receive all aspects of the ministry that were offered through this minister. Suddenly, all his books and teachings were of interest to me. I knew that I was to be birthed into a new level of ministry through this man.

That is really when I understood that you can receive someone as an instructor but then you can go higher and receive him as a father.