Think about the wonderful creation we are a part of! Think
of the galaxies!
Imagine that such a mighty God, who created all things, is
inviting you to have a discussion with Him.
The Man Who Went to Heaven
One day a man fell from a height on a construction site.
They thought he was dead but he was not. He was taken to
the hospital and was in a coma for some days. His pastor was
called and the pastor went to the hospital and prayed for him
and he recovered. One day he came to church and gave this

He said that when he fell from the height, he died and went
to Heaven. He said Heaven is very nice and no one who goes
there wants to come back. He was so happy to see Jesus. Jesus
told him, he had to go back to earth, but he did not like the idea.
So Jesus took him to a curtain and pulled it aside. The dead
man heard his pastor’s voice. The pastor was praying for him in
the hospital. In the prayer, the pastor explained to God why the
man should not die yet. The pastor told God that the man was
important to him and his church. He explained to the Lord that
it was unreasonable for God to take him from earth at that time.
Jesus explained to the dead man that his pastor was reasoning
with Him and He would have to let him go back to the earth.
Tonight, God is asking you to come and reason with Him like
the pastor was doing!

1. Come let us reason with God: Let’s think about the

Where will you be in 70 years? Where will you be in a 100
years? Have you thought about that? We must be wiser than
chickens that do not know that they are about to be slaughtered.
The Short-Sighted Chickens
There were once some chickens that lived on a farm. Their
owner used to feed them daily and would sometimes even bring
in a vet to care for them. One day, one of the chickens went to
town and saw restaurants like KFC, Chicken Lickin’ and Chicken
Supreme. The chicken ran back to tell its friends that their body
parts were for sale in town. The chicken was frightened and
started fretting about what would happen to them. However the
other chickens would not listen to this chicken that had been to
town. These other chickens were simply happy to have food,
water, shelter and medicine.
Indeed, we human beings must be wiser than that. Where
will you go when you die? Where will you be after this life?
That is why God is asking to reason with you. Where are your
fathers, your friends and all those who have died already? Where
did they go? They are at a place where they cannot contact us

2. Come let us reason with God: You are a dirty sinner
and you need salvation.
How many of you have told lies before? How many of you
have stolen something before? How many of you have committed
fornication before?

3. Come let us reason together: It is a miracle to be
God says that though your sins are red like crimson, He will
clean your sins and make you white. It is a reasonable offer.
Only Christianity promises you the washing away of your

4. Come let us reason together: What are your options if
you say “no” to Jesus?
If you say “no” to God, how will you get rid of your sins?
What will you do when you stand before Him after you die?
What are your options if you say “no” to Jesus? Whilst you were
in sin, Christ loved you and died for you. Remember, you can
escape from men but not from God. You may murder someone
and escape from the police, but you cannot escape from God
when you sin.

5. Come let us reason together: God commended His
love to us when we were still filthy sinners.
What will happen if you reject such great love?

6. Come let us reason together: Without the shedding of
blood there is no remission of sins. Only the blood of
Jesus can wash away your terrible sins.

And almost all things are by the law purged with blood;
and without shedding of blood is no remission.
Hebrews 9:22
For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given
it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your
souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for
the soul.
Leviticus 17:11

7. Come let us reason together: The best thing to do is to
receive Jesus Christ today. God sent Jesus to die on
the cross for us. The blood of Jesus has washed our
sins away.
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in
his name, he gave the right to become children of God –
John 1:12 (NIV)