Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and
broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and
many there be which go in thereat: because strait is
the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto
life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:13-14

1. The broad way and the narrow way: Choosing
Christ is to choose between walking on the broad
way or the narrow way. If you choose the narrow way you will find life and peace.

2. How to tell whether you are on the broad way or
the narrow way is by the number of people you see
on the way.
The broad way obviously has many people and the narrow
way obviously has few people on it.

3. In this world, it is the road that has a lot of people on
it which is seen as the right road.
Whenever there is something that a lot of people choose, it is
deemed to be the right thing.
That is why elections are decided by who has more votes.
When more people choose a candidate it seems to make the
candidate the right person. But not so with Christ! He has
predicted that few people will choose Him, and He has warned
that you must be among the few that will choose Him.

4. Jesus Christ shows us that He has created a path He
knows few people will ever choose and yet He warns
the world to choose that unpopular way.
When people make a drink like Coca Cola, they need many
people to patronize and buy it for it to be deemed a good thing.
When people make a song or an album, they need many
people to patronize it and buy it otherwise they will go bankrupt.
When people make a film they need the world to patronize it.
They need many people to pay to go and watch it.
Not so with God! He does not need many people to patronize
Him or support Him. He has simply shown the Way. You can
take it or leave it. He knows that many will leave it because it is
a narrow way with the narrow gate.
God has made a narrow way for us to come to Heaven. He
does not care about the opinions of men. The right way is the
way that few people will walk on. Yet still, that is the right

5. I have often chosen the narrow way and I do not regret
it. You may laugh at people on the narrow way, but
one day you will regret it.
I chose not to drink alcohol, smoke cigarette or take drugs
or go to nightclubs as a young man. At the time, these were
activities that many people my age engaged in but I do not regret
not choosing it. It was a narrow way with few people on it but I
am glad that I chose the narrow way.
I chose to be in the ministry and work as a pastor instead of
going to America to specialise as a doctor. I do not regret this
decision to serve the Lord in the ministry. It was a narrow way
with very few people on it.

6. The broad way of atheism. To receive Jesus Christ is
to forsake the broad way that seems right to all men.
Today, the majority of western Europeans have decided that
there is no God. They do not even want to talk about the subject.

7. The broad way of homosexuality. To receive Jesus
Christ is to forsake the broad way that seems right to
all men.
Today, the majority of western Europeans believe that there
is nothing wrong with homosexuality, even though it cannot be
found in nature. This is a broad way on which the majority of
Europeans are walking. It is sad to say that millions are on their
way to perdition. Indeed, to come to Christ is to forsake the
broad way even though the majority are walking on that road.
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the
end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12

8. Today you must enter the narrow gate by choosing
Jesus Christ. Entering a narrow gate is more difficult
than entering a broad gate.
It is more difficult to manoeuvre your car through a narrow
gate than it is to drive it through a broad gate. It may be difficult
for you to receive Jesus Christ but you will never regret it.
Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith, to day if ye will hear
his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in
the day of temptation in the wilderness:
Hebrews 3:7-8

9. By walking on the narrow way where few walk, you
will be saved from hell.
The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart
from hell beneath.

Proverbs 15:24