What Can Influence You?

by Pastor Dag Heward-MIlls

Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.  Matthew 13:33

A leaven is an unseen, hidden influence that excites the dough and causes it to expand, rise and become lighter.  Jesus Christ taught us that the kingdom of Heaven is also subject to hidden influences that affect everything.

The influence of the leaven on the dough is both real and amazing.  Yet leaven is invisible when it is working mightily.  Unseen influences are real.  Unseen influences are good or evil.

The greatest good, unseen influence in a Christian’s life is the Holy Spirit and this book is about that unseen but real influence!  The sweet influences of the Holy Spirit!

This book is simply a listing of the different areas in which we can expect the influence of the Holy Spirit.  We must look out for it and we must pray for it.  The influence of the Holy Spirit is vital.  It is most important for our survival.

What is influencing you?  As a minister, what is influencing you?  What is guiding you and making you do the things that you do?  Are you under a good influence or under an evil influence?

There are three unseen evil influences that are largely unknown and misunderstood by Christians.  The first unseen evil influence on Christians is devils.  The second unseen influence on Christians is the world or the earth.  The third unseen influence is our senses.  When people are not under the influence of the Holy Spirit they are under one of these three influences.  Thus, they are either earthly, sensual or devilish.

When writing to the Galatians, the apostle Paul warned them about invisible and pervasive influences that were affecting the church.  He called these influences leavens. Paul explained the effect of a leaven. He said a leaven was a kind of persuasion.  This invisible influence was so powerful that it could hinder a Christian in his ministry.  Notice the Scripture: “Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” (Galatians 5:7-9).

This book is about the sweet influences of the Holy Spirit! It will reveal to you the different areas of your life which can be affected by the Holy Spirit.  As God speaks to you through this book you will open yourself to the Holy Spirit.  You will both expect and allow the Holy Spirit to influence the different aspects of your life.

by Dag Heward-Mills

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