READ: Zechariah 7: 8-10, Proverbs 14:31

Then I looked again at all the acts of oppression, which were being done under the sun. And behold I saw the tears of the oppressed and that they had no one to comfort them; and on the side of their oppressors was power, but they had no one to comfort them. :- Ecclesiastes 4:1 (NASB)

God is looking for someone to comfort the weak and the oppressed. Human beings have been born into a world of oppression. Unfortunately, the strong, powerful and rich people in the world oppress those who are less fortunate. Almighty God sees all the acts of oppression that are being meted out to people. He is looking for someone who can comfort the oppressed.

When kings had power over peasants, they oppressed them, executed them and crushed them until the poor and oppressed peoples of the world did away with kings. Oppression is a part of human existence. Any group that gets the upper hand will oppress the weaker, and that without fail.

All through history, the powerful have oppressed the weak. When the white man had control over the black man, he oppressed him and made him yearn for freedom. When men had power over women, they oppressed them until they longed to be equal to men. When the educated and the rich had power over the masses, the poor people of the world formed unions to fight for themselves to be delivered from the unreasonable and wicked elite. That is why human rights are a big thing in the world today.

Please open your eyes! You will see people who are subject to oppression for one reason or the other. They are pressed down and beaten in every unreasonable way. In marriage, the partner with the upper hand oppresses the partner who does not have much of a choice. Open your eyes and look around. You will see many people who need help and deliverance from oppression.