READ: Mark 6: 30-44
For GOD IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. :- 1 Corinthians 14:33
Jesus caused the people to sit down in fifties and hundreds. Jesus created order out of the confusion. It was only after He had calmly driven away confusion that He was able to perform the great miracle. God is not the Creator of confusion. Wherever there is confusion, it does not come from God or the Holy Spirit. If it does not come from God it comes from the devil.
Demons are the agents of confusion. Wherever there is disorder, confusion, shabbiness and filth, there is always demonic activity. By simply clearing away the confusion, the deterioration, the dirt, the ruins and the entropy in the surroundings, demons were inhibited. Bringing order and arranging everybody in ranks of fifties and hundreds created an environment in which the Holy Spirit could operate.
As you travel around the world, you will come to recognize the kind of evil spirits that inhabit different areas. Different principalities and powers control different regions of the world. Different princes, principalities, dominions and thrones dominate their territories and cause certain things to prevail there. Satan is described as the one who turned this world into a wilderness (Isaiah 14:15-17).
It is important to fight the picture of confusion and disorganisation in your environment. Disorder, confusion and disorganisation are the atmosphere for demonic activity. Confusion, disorder and disorganisation are evil works. Confusion is considered as one of the evil works in the world.
For where envying and strife is, there is CONFUSION AND EVERY EVIL WORK.
James 3:16
If you live in a mess, surrounded by confusion, filth and chaos, there is a lot of demonic activity around you. Stir up the power of God by getting rid of the disorganisation, the half-finished projects, the dirty surroundings and the filthy environment that you operate in!