READ: Matthew 18:15-17

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. :-Matthew 5:7

It is important to know that there are things that everyone finds difficult to forgive. What will offend you and prevent you from forgiving may be very different from what offends me. Something that causes a big offence is not necessarily a big event. For instance, I may transfer you from London to the backend of Democratic Republic of Congo. But that may not offend you. On the other hand, there may be a meeting in the office from which you are excluded. The exclusion from the meeting may strike you on the wrong chord. A great offence may start developing in you because you feel rejected, unwanted and unaccepted.

It is important to understand that there are things that will offend you. You may think to yourself, “This does not offend me! That does not offend me!” You may be married and declare, “I am not offended or worried if my husband has affairs with other women.”

Even if you are so resilient, I assure you that there is something that you will find difficult to forgive. It is not possible to come into this world and never be offended. It is not possible to come into this world and never have an experience that you find difficult to forgive.

The root of bitterness is available for every unforgiving person. You must expect to have these experiences because Jesus said you would have them.