READ: Proverbs 23:19

A wise man will HEAR, AND WILL INCREASE LEARNING; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: – Proverbs 1:5

A wise person will hear! It is only when you have acquired a certain wisdom in ministry that you give yourself to seeing and hearing. In order to serve God, people do all sorts of things. Some go to Bible school, some go to secular schools, some give offerings to men of God and some pray and fast. However, none of these activities compares with the important art of seeing and hearing.

Seeing and hearing is the most important skill of a servant of God. Your wisdom is revealed in what you do. Wisdom is defined as the applying of your knowledge, your understanding, your experience and your common sense. Wisdom is how you apply what you know to your day-to-day life.

Seeing and hearing is the application of the knowledge you have received. You know that the Word is God and God is His Word. The more of the Word that enters you, the more of God you have in you! The more of God you have in you, the more anointed and powerful you are! Power belongs to God. Power is with God. The more you see the Word in action and the more you hear the Word, the more God comes into your life.

Seeing and hearing is the practical way to receive more of God into your life. That is why a wise man will hear and increase learning. That is why Scripture encourages a son to “hear and be wise”.
Hearing is about listening to the preaching of God’s Word. It is about listening to the teachings that God has for you. The art of listening to preaching messages is one of the most important skills you can develop for yourself.