READ: John 6:1-14

Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. :- John 11:41

Jesus stirred up the power of God by giving thanks. He did not even ask God for help. He did not ask God for miracles. He did not ask God for bread. He did not ask God for fish. He thanked God! His disciples and the men standing around watched to see what Jesus would say when he prayed; but He only thanked God. So powerful is the prayer of thanksgiving that the place where the five loaves and two fish were multiplied is remembered as the place where Jesus gave thanks (John 6:23).

Giving thanks stirs up the power of God and the gift of God. Giving thanks is an amazing spiritual act. Giving thanks releases power for more. When you show gratitude to someone, it releases the power for the person to do even more for you.

Sometimes, saying thank you can make the giver feel bad. Your effusive thanksgiving for such a small thing provokes the person to want to do more so that the thanksgiving would be commensurate with the gift given. Thanksgiving can be quite provocative. It can provoke the Father to pour out many more blessings.

Never forget that at the grave of Lazarus who had been dead for four days, Jesus simply said thanks again (John 11:41), and another mighty miracle erupted!

It is time for you to stir up the power of God by being thankful. Say thank you often! Praise God often! Be filled with the Holy Spirit by saying thank you and praising God. If you do not say thank you, you will start complaining. As you say thank you, the power of God will flow in your life.