READ: Isaiah 40:9-14
He shall feed his flock a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
Isaiah 40:11
A shepherd is privileged to lead people. “He leadeth me beside the still waters” (Psalm 23:2). Leadership is an important privilege of shepherds. Every shepherd is also a leader. Many people scramble to be leaders because of the privileges of being a leader.
Everything in a nation, in a church or a group rises and falls on the type of leaders there. In certain countries, you can literally see the countries come alive under the leadership of good leaders. Where there are bad leaders, the country is littered with huts, poor people and overflowing with criminals.
A good shepherd is a good leader! Every shepherd has the privilege of making himself into the best leader possible. A shepherd must read books on leadership! A shepherd must pass the tests of leadership! A shepherd must avoid all the bad traits of poor leaders!
It is easy to find bad leaders! They are everywhere! Most poor countries are led by bad leaders! There are many countries that were once rich, prosperous and flourishing but have been made poor by bad leaders. It is interesting to observe the outcome of poor leadership. Leadership in the church is the same. Under a good shepherd, the church prospers and grows. Under bad leaders, the church goes around in circles.
Good leadership is not the same as being friendly. In cultures where friendship and relationships are important, people equate niceness with good leadership. Being handsome is not the same as being a good leader. Handsome people always attract a following. You will find out with time that being handsome or being a woman’s man is not the same as being a good leader. As a shepherd you will have the privilege of being one of the good leaders of God’s people.