READ: Isaiah 55:10-11

All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD when they hear the words of thy mouth.
Psalm 138:4

As you listen to preaching messages, you open yourself to many advantages. Look at this amazing list of blessings you receive from listening to preaching and teaching:

1. You receive direction and counsel for your life as you soak in preaching and teaching.
2. You stay in the presence of God as you soak in messages. You take church home with you as you keep listening to the word of God.
3. You turn into a minister of the word of God without intending to. Listening to the word of God is the most casual way to turn into a pastor of 1000 micro churches.
4. You fall in love with good preaching as you listen to messages preached. You will never become something you don’t admire.
5. You begin to admire and love the person who preaches. It is good to admire and love the preacher and teacher. It is that love for the preacher that opens your spirit to receiving the anointing from a man of God.
6. As you listen to messages from the word of God, you will learn about the different types of messages that exist. Listening more causes you to appreciate the difference between an exhortation and a teaching as well as the difference between an evangelistic message and a pastoral message.
7. You will even learn the different types of anointing that operate in a person. You will notice when a preacher is flowing in the anointing of a prophet or in a teacher’s anointing.
8. You will learn how to title a message when you listen to messages. You will learn to give dramatic titles to evangelistic messages and calming but interesting titles to pastoral titles.

Listening to preaching messages all the time is key to constant preparation.