READ: Judges 16:1-17
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.:- Proverbs 5:21
Samson was mighty publicly but the opposite in private. Judges 16:3, recounts that he carried the gates of the city on his shoulders. He was so mighty that he killed one thousand people with a jaw bone. However, Judges 16:4-17, portrays Samson as being morally weak. The Philistines recognized this weakness also, and capitalized on it to eventually conquer Samson.
Are you both mighty and weak? If you are weak, but present yourself as strong, you are preventing your own deliverance. You are covering what needs help.
One day, a lady went to see a a gynaecologist. When she rose to leave the consulting room, the doctor asked, “Is that really the reason why you came to see me?” She was leaving without divulging the real problem. The doctor had a feeling that there was more to it than met the eye, and that there was something that she could not bring herself to say. This was actually the case.
When you appear strong even though you are weak, nobody can help you. But when you confess, “I’m weak, I need help,” the mighty people in ministry can then come to your aid. If your pastor knows that you are weak, he can pray for you; but if you pretend to be mighty, how can he know that you need help? If you are mighty, nobody will spend time to counsel or minister to you, but if you show that you are weak, attention will be given to you. When you look strong like Samson, you will not get any attention. It is dangerous to be both mighty and weak.