READ: 1 Samuel 17:32-52
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.:- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Fighting Goliath was a turning point in David’s ministry. (1 Samuel 17:38-40). He had an opportunity to have his greatest breakthrough. He was to make one
of the most important decisions of his life; to wear Saul’s armour or not! He decided against wearing Saul’s armour and opted for his slingshot with just five smooth stones. In this act, you see the principle of choosing what you have tested.

I marvel at the behaviour of certain Christian men. Instead of marrying someone whom they know, they go for a mysterious personality whom nobody knows. They choose a young lady who they know very little about. David refused to use Saul’s armour because he hadn’t tested it.

How can you marry someone you hardly know? Surely there are some nice people in the church whom you can marry! It is important to marry someone who has a good reputation in the church. There are Christians who are infected with HIV. If you make a mistake, you could end up marrying an infected person!

One of the most important decisions I took in my life was in choosing whom to marry. The lady I decided to marry was someone I had known for years. I knew her character and background. If you really plan to win the battle against Goliath, don’t use Saul’s armour! That may be the prescribed and ordained method, but using that which is familiar to you will help you to be victorious!