READ: Genesis 29:17-35
For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.:- Romans 9: 15

Uncle Laban had two daughters; both of them were eligible for marriage. When Jacob arrived in town, he was immediately attracted to the younger one, Rachel.

My sister, perhaps no one has approached you for marriage. You are just like our sister Leah. Other people were receiving proposals, but you were left out. Today I come to you with a message of hope. The Lord is working on your situation.

Perhaps people do not consider you when they are thinking seriously about love, but God has a plan for you. Just as God gave Leah a husband, God is giving you a husband right now! Marriage is a spiritual thing. There is a door of marriage. When it is open unto you, no one can close it! God had determined that Leah should be married. He had even determined that Leah should be married before Rachel. No one could change that blessing. As I attend wedding after wedding in my church, I realize that it is God who opens and closes the door of marriage.

Rachel, by popular opinion was more beautiful than her sister, and yet she did not get married before her sister. Woman with direction, you are not going to marry because of popular opinion. You are going to marry because God is holding a door open for you. Believe it and receive it in the name of Jesus. Since when did popular opinion determine your fate? If popular opinion were to determine our fate, where would we all be today? I thank God that I am what I am by the grace of God and not by popular opinion.