READ: 1 Kings 2:1-6, 27-35
…Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself…and he conferred with Joab the son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest: and they…helped him.:- 1 Kings 1: 5,7

Observe three signs of disloyalty within a team member:

1. Someone who disobeys clear instructions when it suits him. Joab killed people he did not like or want to be around. Abner had killed Joab’s brother, Asahel and Joab had a personal score to settle with him. He did this in spite of David’s clear instruction. Joab killed Absalom even though David had clearly asked that Absalom should not be killed.

2. Someone who fights people you have appointed. David appointed Amasa to be the commander of the army in place of Joab. Joab tricked Amasa and killed him when he was not expecting it (2 Samuel 19: 11-13; 2 Samuel 20:10) One of the things I look out for is how people relate with those I have appointed. Because people always have to deal with you through your representatives, you get to learn about their real feelings towards you by observing how they relate with those you have appointed. Somebody who does not accept
your wife does not accept you. I always note people who are in constant dispute with my administrators, General Overseers, personal assistants and secretaries.

3. Someone who supports a cause that is against your wish David chose Solomon to be the king but Joab supported Adonijah’s attempt to be the king in place of Solomon (1 Kings 1: 5,7).