READ: Matthew 6:19-24

…for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. – Luke 16:15

Is it possible to please God and men at the same time? In Galatians 1:10, Paul states, “…for if l yet pleased men, l should not be the servant of Christ.”

According to Paul, if he pleases men he cannot please Christ. It is as simple as that! There is no way you can please men and think or believe you are pleasing God.

Walking with the Lord on this long road of ministry, I have had to do many things that were often not pleasing to men.

When I responded to the call of God on my life, I displeased my parents. Think about it! You sent your child to school. He did well and qualified as a doctor. Would you be pleased if he told you he had decided to become a pastor instead? At the time I took this decision, my church was very small and unimpressive. If you want to please men, you will never be a servant of Christ.

Someone who is living a dual life will have to bend the rules to please his family. To avoid living a dual life (which encourages the spirit of hypocrisy, the spirit of lies, and the spirit of self-deception), you may sometimes have to go contrary to man’s opinion, and just please God.

If your parents want you to marry an unbeliever just because he is wealthy, you will have to go contrary to their desire, because the Bible commands us not to! Your family may not be happy, but God will be pleased with you.