READ: Ephesians 6:10-18

For we wrestle… against the rulers of the darkness of this world … – Ephesians 6:12

Darkness is simply the cloud of deception under which Satan operates. He stands no chance when we come out into the light. This is why Satan hates the Word of God so much. Jesus is the light that destroys Satan’s influence over men. Jesus is the Word of God. The Word of God is a light that shines in the darkness. Demon activity is greatly reduced where the Word of God is taught (John 1:5).

The power of Satan against the church can be likened to several wars in the world today. When a superpower fights against an inferior army, the weaker side knows that they do not stand a chance in open conventional warfare and therefore, they hide and fight from a position of secrecy, deception and darkness. This results in guerilla warfare and terrorist activities. For instance, because Palestine does not stand a chance against the military might of Israel, they resort to surprise suicide attacks and terrorist activities.

Similarly, the army of demons arrayed against the church, is no match for the power of God. The leapons of our warfare are mighty (2 Corinthians 10:4). Satan trembles at the mention of the name Jesus; demons shiver when we declare the covering of the blood of Jesus or sing about the blood. The Word of God is a mighty sword, which slices fallen angels and evil spirits into shreds. The devil has no chance against us. He fights us mainly through extremely deceptive and shady tricks or wiles. Our greatest effort therefore must be to uncover the tricks and the traps of our illusive enemy.