READ: Romans 1:16-32

“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” – Psalm 107:20

I once had a visiting preacher from Switzerland who made a remark about my church. He said, “Your church is like a giant youth group.” Up until then, I had not really noticed that our church was full of
young people. Initially, I thought it was not a compliment. However, as time went by, I realized that it takes the power of God to get young people into church.

You see, young people are full of energy and youthful lusts. There are certain desires that are found more in young people. When the church is full of young people, it is a sign that the power of God is present.

The police cannot change young people. Moral codes cannot restrict wild young men. The fear of going to prison doesn’t even seem to inhibit young men today.

However, I know a power that converts the most hardened sinner. Is it not amazing that people who would not listen to anyone, neither parents, teachers nor advisors are “arrested” by the Word of God and are changed forever? Truly the preaching of the cross is the power of God.

From a very early age I have served the Lord. I have followed Him with all my heart. What could make a young man like me give up his profession and become a preacher? That is the power of God at work. Preaching always releases power and that power has the ability to change people. That is why you must be a preacher. Because preaching has the ability to release power.