READ: Isaiah 14:9-15
“And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in tor- ments…” – Luke 16:23

According to God’s Word, Hell is beneath us. Its specific geo- graphical location is underground: (Isaiah 14:9).

In a book I read, a man of God gives a very vivid testimony about dying and going to Hell. He had been baptized and had been going to church all his life, but he was not saved. When he died of an incurable heart disease, he felt his spirit leave his body. He could see his lifeless body on the bed. Then he began to descend; it was pitchdark and extremely hot underground. When he could go no further, a fearsome, beastly creature emerged from the darkness and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the unbear- able heat. Suddenly, a voice boomed from above, the hand re- leased him immediately, and his spirit sort of floated back up to the earth and into his body.

Months later, his heart failed again, and he died. By this time, he had become born again, so when his spirit left his body, he begun to go up towards Heaven instead of downwards. This was sheer bliss; a totally different experience from his descent to Hell. Just then, he heard a voice saying, “Go back to the earth! Your work is not done!” I believe this man’s testimony, because it lines up with Scripture: Ezekiel 32:27, Psalm 55: 15, Ephesians 4:8-9.

Hell cannot be just a state of mind. To dismiss it as an empty threat would be very risky indeed. Hell actually exists; it is a tangible, physical place.