READ:Matthew 24:1-13
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” – Matthew 24:12

You can detect coldness by first identifying “coolness” in church. Some Christians are very “cool” in the house of the Lord. They refuse to be part of jubilant praise and worship. They don’t join in shouting or clapping their hands to the Lord.

They just refuse to release them- selves in the presence of the Lord. I call these people “Christian diplomats”. To all such people I say: “There is no place for diplomacy in Christianity!”

If you want God to be attracted to you, then be like King David. David lost all his inhibitions when he danced before the Lord. There was no coolness about the way he danced. In fact, he danced until his clothes fell off !

The backsliding Christian has no joy in expressing himself before the Lord. To him it is a bother to lift up his hands to the Lord, or to shout with the voice of triumph. It is amazing that this same “cool” Christian would lose his “coolness” when his favourite soccer team is playing. He will shout, scream and clap his hands when a goal is scored.

I have noticed that when Christians are backsliding they first become aloof, diplomatic and uninterested. They yawn, look bored and keep glancing at their watches during the service. These are manifestations of what I call “coldness” or “coolness”. Watch out for them; they are sure signs of imminent backsliding.