READ: Matthew 10:5-20

… be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. “- Matthew 10:16

The black mamba is very fast and agile. A group of people are usually required to kill it. When cornered, it strikes in all directions while a third of its body is suspended above the ground. Over short distances it can move at up to 5.4metres per second which is almost 20 kilometres per hour and faster than most people can sprint. The black mamba can
travel with a third of its body raised off the ground and can move quickly on trees, on the ground or in water.

The speed and aggression of the black mamba make it one of the most successful snakes of all time. You will achieve great success if you learn to do things aggressively and with speed. Speed is a very important quality and most races and competitions exist to determine how fast you can go.

The strike of a snake is so fast that you may just feel the prick but never see the snake itself. Some vipers can go from being oiled up to opening its mouth, unfolding its fangs, lunging, biting and injecting venom to folding its fangs back again, closing its mouth and returning to a coiled up position in a fraction of a second. Like I said, the human eye cannot follow the strike. It is so swift!

So, what is the speed of your strike? What is the speed of your response to God’s call? What is the speed of your obedience to the will of God? How swift are you when you are responding to God? In the ministry, a lot of things also respond to speed. The slower you are, the more unsuccessful you will be in the work of God. To be wise as a serpent you must increase your speed! You must increase your speed in the many different areas of your life and ministry.