READ: Luke 11:5-9

And I say unto you, ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. – Luke 11:9

Prayer assets are the qualities you need to pray every day.

1. DILIGENCE. It takes diligence to sleep early and wake up early. If you do not sleep early, you will never wake up early. When you sleep late you cannot wake up to pray. When you do not sleep enough, you will be sleepy throughout the prayer time. That ye BE NOT SLOTHFUL, … Hebrews 6:12

2. FAITH. Only men of faith pray. Faithless people do not pray to God. If you are a man of faith you will be a man of prayer. Anyone found praying for hours, alone, in a room is a man of faith. For EVERY ONE THAT ASKETH RECEIVETH; … Luke 11:10

3. PERSISTENCE. Sometimes you need to pray for long hours. Some problems require “asking”, some require “seeking” and some require “knocking”! This is because the different types of problems require different kinds of solutions. Some problems need five minutes of prayer and others need five hours. The devil is relentless in his efforts to destroy you. You need to be relentless in your efforts to pray. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:21

4. IMPUDENCE. Impudence reveals confidence and faith in relation to God. Being impudent means that you are bold and being daring to ask for certain things. Be bold in your requests! When you are impudent you are shameless. You have no shame and you ask anything that comes to your mind. Shamelessness reveals your openness and your closeness to God. It takes shamelessness to pray properly. Most of our heartfelt requests are shameful. It is sometimes embarrassing to reveal what you really want or
need. Be shameless in your requests! God is listening to you! (Luke 11:8)