READ: Nehemiah 2:1-8

Wherefore the king said unto me, why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart. Then I … said unto the king, let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ sepulchres, lieth waste, …? – Nehemiah 2:2-3

Nehemiah was having a good time in the palace of the king of Shushan. He was living in the palace and he had a good job as the cupbearer of the king. Most people would be happy to live on peacefully, thanking God that they had escaped the difficulty of being prisoners of war.

Even though Nehemiah was okay, he was still thinking about others. Nehemiah was so burdened by the broken walls of Jerusalem that it showed on his face. At work, his boss noticed a change in his demeanour.

Wherefore the king said unto me, why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart… Nehemiah 2:2

It is time to be burdened and troubled with our backslidden modern church. The spiritual walls of the church are down and there is much desolation all over the church world. Missionaries are not sent out any more! Few people preach about salvation! Unsaved souls are not precious to the average pastor! The church is preaching about money, success and wealth instead of preaching about Jesus Christ and His blood. The defences of the church are down and false religions are taking over territories that were once completely Christianised. When will there be men of God who will be burdened with the broken down walls of the church? A mighty spiritual restoration has taken place in your life when you are burdened with things that do not concern your personal welfare.

Sadly, many pastors are not burdened about the state of the church… Unfortunately, many priests do the work of God without a genuine burden for the people. It is time to care about other churches! It is time to love all the people of God, not just those in your little world!