READ: Luke 1:1-11

…And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense. And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. – Luke 1:9-11

When the whole church prays you can expect angels to appear. I remember a little girl who saw angels ascending and descending when we held large prayer meeting. Always expect angels to appear when a large multitude gathers to pray.

If Jesus prayed for three hours and the angels of the Lord appeared, (Luke 22:40-43) you can expect that angels to appear when you pray for three hours. Why would angels not appear when you pray for three hours? Be open to the ministry of angels and you will start seeing them. You can expect angels to appear in your life when you wait on God. There will be angels present as you wait on the Lord. Whether you see them or not, always expect that angels are present when you wait on God.

If you are prayerful, there will be Angels around your house. Angels appeared when the church prayed about Peter’s arrest. The prayer meeting caused angels to appear in the prison (Acts 12:1-7). Prayer is a spiritual intervention. It breaks through the spirit world. Angels are in the spirit world and they are forced to manifest in response to the prayers.

Angels appeared when Daniel fasted for three weeks (Daniel 10:1-6, 12). After Daniel prayed for three weeks, angels appeared to him. These angels explained that they had been dispatched as soon as Daniel started praying. Every time you start praying there are movements in the heavenlies. Angels are dispatched as soon as you start praying. You must
believe in these things. What is the point of being a Christian and not believing in angels? You can expect angels to be dispatched when you call on God for help. Prayer is the reason why there are more angels in some people’s lives than others.