READ: John 15:1-8

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that ABIDETH in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. – John 15:5

After you’re born again, you must press on into fruitfulness by being planted in Christ. It is only when a tree stays in one place that it bears fruit.

After you are born again, you must become fruitful to show that you are abiding in Christ. It is up to you to prove that you are stable and planted in Christ.

After you’re born again you must be planted in Christ. Being planted is what releases you to bear much
fruit. Notice how the tree that is planted by the rivers of water bears fruit.

…HE SHALL BE LIKE A TREE PLANTED BY THE RIVERS OF WATER, THAT BRINGETH FORTH HIS FRUIT in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalms 1:1-3

After you’re born again, you must be fruitful because the Holy Spirit is poured out on you. You may not know the kind of spirit you have! You have received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. The Holy Spirit will make you fruitful. Many Christians do not know what they have received. The disciples, James and John, did not know the kind of spirit they had received. They wanted to kill all the people in the village. (Luke 9:54-56)

The Holy Spirit is poured out so that we can bear fruit, not to kill people. When the Holy Spirit came on the disciples, they became soul winners. Jesus said they would have power to win the lost when the Holy Spirit came on them. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of fruitfulness. He comes to make you fruitful. He comes to turn you into a soul winner. He comes to bring church growth. If you have the Holy Spirit it is important that you rise up and win souls.