READ: Revelation 1:1-6

As he saith also in another place, THOU ART A PRIEST for ever after the order of Melchisedec. Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; – Hebrews 5:6-7

You are a follower of Jesus Christ. You must follow the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus came as a priest and He prayed as a priest! If you want to follow the example of Jesus, you have to pray like a priest. God has made us kings and priests. It means we have been made to reign as kings. As a king, you must be a good leader. As a king you must dominate in this life. God has also made you into a priest. As a priest you must offer sacrifices and prayers. To be a king is your calling! To be a priest is also your calling! It is now time for you to combine these two high-level responsibilities. The highest in the church and the highest in the world! The highest rank in the church is the priesthood and the highest rank in the world is kingship.

The prayers of a priest are described in the book of Hebrews. What does it mean to pray as a priest? Priests do not pray when they have a problem. Priests do not pray just to have their quiet time. Priests pray because it is their work to pray. Their whole life is spent praying and offering supplications to God. The priest stands daily, ministering and offering prayers and sacrifices. This is his whole life’s work.

A priest is no ordinary person. He knows God and he works for God. Therefore, a priest’s prayers must be with strong cries. An ordinary person may pray a weak prayer but a priest’s prayers are with strong cries. That is what it means to pray like a priest. Pray with all your strength! Pray with strong cries!

A priest must pray from his heart. You must love the people. You must feel for them! You must work from your heart.