READ: 1 Samuel 17:12-24

And as he talked with them, behold, there came up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the armies of the Philistines, …And all the men of Israel, WHEN THEY SAW THE MAN, FLED FROM HIM, AND WERE SORE AFRAID. – 1 Samuel 17:23-24

When the Israelites saw Goliath, they were filled with fear. Fear is a type of faith. It is negative faith. Fear is faith in things you do not want! Fear is a passionate, emotion-filled kind of faith. But it is faith in exactly what you hope will never happen.

What you see fills your soul with images that are difficult to shake off. Every image you picture in your soul is linked to other related images. As soon as you picture Goliath, you can picture his sword and you can imagine his brutality. Then you can imagine your head being chopped off. You then see pictures of your body lying on the left with your head rolling down the hill. You imagine your blood being spilled on the ground. All these images come from having set eyes on Goliath.

In the medical school, we were taught certain things in class. We were also told to “Watch one, assist one, then do one”! The higher skills of becoming a surgeon were only acquired by watching, assisting and then doing. Those high skills were not acquired by listening to lectures. You simply had to watch it being done. Then watch even more closely by assisting. After watching closely, you were qualified to do the same. You acquire faith and skills by watching.

It is important that you watch videos of certain miracle services and crusades. There are certain things you can get by hearing. But there are certain things you can only get by seeing! Faith is an unstoppable force and it also comes by what you see. Faith comes to you through the things you see. The more you see, the more the force of faith arises within you. God has given us a clear key to acquiring more of this unstoppable force. Seeing and seeing!