READ: Acts 1:1-5

Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. – Matthew 28:10

Jesus wanted to meet His disciples in Galilee even though they were in Jerusalem. Remember that Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. Galilee is some two hundred kilometres away from Jerusalem. Yet, Jesus wanted His disciples to travel that distance before He would appear to them in a vision. Think about that! Could He not have appeared to them in Jerusalem where they were? He told them, “You will
not see me until you come to a mountain in Galilee.”

Also, you will notice that after appearing to His disciples in Galilee, Jesus now asked them to go back to Jerusalem where they would receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus wanted them to receive the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, not in Galilee. After His resurrection, Jesus had His disciples criss-crossing Israel for different spiritual blessings. They had to travel to Galilee for a vision and they had to go to Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. All these go to prove that physical locations matter in spiritual things.

In the book of Deuteronomy, we see God telling Israel not to offer their sacrifices just anywhere. He tells them, “I have chosen certain places to bless you.” You will have great experiences when you go to the different places God has chosen for you to wait on Him.

Take heed to thyself THAT THOU OFFER NOT THY BURNT OFFERINGS IN EVERY PLACE THAT THOU SEEST: But IN THE PLACE WHICH THE LORD SHALL CHOOSE IN ONE OF THY TRIBES, there thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, and there thou shalt do all that I command thee. Deuteronomy 12:13-14