READ: Genesis 26:1-6; 12-14

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:” – Genesis 12:1

I remember a story I heard some years ago. There was a pastor who had a young beautiful daughter. One day, the daughter said she was tired of Christianity. She wanted to find out for herself what the world had for her. She felt she was being deprived of the joys, excitement and pleasures of life. Her parents were stunned by their daughter’s speech. They felt it was wise to simply allow her to do whatever she wanted to do.

But that night, she had a dream. In the dream, she was standing on the road side, in between two cities. One city had bright shining flashy lights that were very attractive. The other city was also lighted but was much dimmer and much less attractive. Suddenly, a man appeared to her right hand side and said, “It seems you are interested in the brighter city. I can take you there. I know my way around.” She was excited to meet this stranger who was a welldressed and handsome gentleman. They entered the attractive city of bright, flashing and twirling lights and she was enthralled by the sights and sounds she encountered. When they were deep in the city, she turned to look at the gentleman who was taking her round and his features had changed. His features were actually changing as she looked at him. He became more and more ugly until she realised that he was the devil himself. Suddenly, the lights in the bright and attractive city began to go off. In a few moments, she was terrified to find herself standing in the middle of a dark city with the devil himself as a companion. She screamed and woke up from her dream! The next day, she went back to her parents and told them, “Dear parents, I have changed my mind. I no longer want to find out what this world has for me. I want to stay in church and in Christ.”

This story shows how Christians are following the deceptive and flashing attractions of this world. Do not follow a career in a place just because it is in a famous city. Your ability to walk away from wealthy cities is your ability to walk into your destiny. Your destiny may be found in a small and unknown community where God would have you labour in His name.