READ: Luke 7:20-28

And WHEN THE MESSENGERS OF JOHN WERE DEPARTED, HE BEGAN TO SPEAK unto the people concerning John, … For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women THERE IS NOT A GREATER prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he” – Luke 7:24, 28

People often make the mistake of thinking that faith comes because you hear a message about faith. Faith is far bigger than being a topic in a list. Faith is your trust in God. The closer you are to God and the more real He is to you, the more you have faith in God. Any kind of preaching brings you close to God. Any kind of spiritual interaction makes you close to God. The closer you are to God and the more real He is to you, the more you believe in Him.

You must train yourself in the habit of listening to preaching. I can see ministers of the gospel who are so dry and lifeless because they do not expose themselves to the hearing of the word of God. This great habit of listening to the preaching will transform your very life.

Assemble for yourself a large collection of preaching materials. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to what you must listen to. You must follow people who you genuinely think are great people. Notice what Jesus thought about John the Baptist. Jesus spoke about John the Baptist when his disciples were not there. This shows that he was speaking out of His genuine and heartfelt opinion. His heartfelt opinion of John the Baptist was that he was the greatest prophet ever.

When choosing whom to listen to, you must look for those who have the anointing remaining on their lives. Today, a lot of people claim to be anointed. You must look at those on whom the anointing has stayed for some years. There are many people who start out in the ministry but do not last. They seem to be anointed for a short while and cause a great stir. But soon they are no more. Who do you know on whom the anointing has been sustained? Listen to those kinds of people. Faith giants are created by hearing