READ: Mark 10:13-16

Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished.” – Ecclesiastes 4:13

Real evangelism is for the young. It is young people who will turn to the Lord. When Jesus walked in Galilee, He witnessed to young people. All the disciples were young people. All the older Pharisees and Sadducees cursed Him, hated Him and rejected Him. Older people are not easy to win! It is only unwise pastors who focus on winning the older and the elder. The older and the elder that you will have will be those who grow up with you.

When I was in secondary school, a man called Uncle James visited me regularly. He was not my biological uncle but he became an “uncle” to me because of his continuous interest in me. He would visit me, counsel me and teach me the word of God.

Uncle James explained salvation to me. He told me why Jesus died on the cross for me. He told me “Without the shedding of blood there would be no forgiveness of sins, and that is why Jesus had to die on the cross for you”. He told me that whenever I did not understand a scripture or a hard truth, I should just “Put it in the wardrobe” and go back for it after a long time. He told me that there were questions I would not be able to answer for a long time, but one day I would understand them all. He made me trust in the word of God and he became an “uncle” to me.

Unfortunately, many pastors despise the young. They say, “We want real souls. We don’t want children. Bring real people to church! These are just kids! These children don’t have anything and don’t know anything.” But that is not how Jesus was! Jesus was interested in the young. Anyone who is interested in the very young will experience mighty church growth.