READ: Luke 11:5-13

And I say unto you, ASK, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” – Luke 11:9-10

Jesus taught us to pray prayers of different lengths. He prayed short prayers and He also prayed long prayers. Unfortunately, many people think that short prayers are ineffective. That cannot be true.

– Pray short prayers when you are in an awkward situation. Jesus was on a cross and He was in a very awkward situation but He still prayed a short prayer. (Luke 23:46)

– Pray short prayers to perform financial miracles. Jesus’ greatest financial miracle was the feeding of five thousand people. He prayed a very brief prayer of thanksgiving and the finances started flowing! (John 6:11)

– Pray short prayers for the forgiveness of the sins of your enemies. (Luke 23:34)

– Pray short prayers for the healing of the sick. Jesus prayed very short prayers for the sick. Short prayers are very powerful prayers. Do not be deceived into thinking that you always need to pray long and elaborate prayers. (Mark 7:34-35)

– Pray short prayers for the raising of the dead. Jesus did not spend a long time in the prayer for the raising of the dead. Indeed, brief prayers were the hallmark of His public ministry. (John 11:41-42)

Some of Jesus’ most powerful prayers were short prayers. Let us learn from Jesus and pray short prayers when we have to. Believe in the short sentence you have spoken. Believe that it has been heard by God!