READ: Mark 11:12-14; 20-24

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” – Mark 11:22-23

Amountain speaks of something that is humanly unmoveable and unchangeable.

A mountain speaks of something that is bigger, taller and mightier than you.

A mountain speaks of something that cannot be moved by human efforts. Human effort cannot remove a mountain. Only a supernatural or divine event can move the mountains around on our planet.

Faith will flatten every mountain in your life. Faith is a force that will shift the unmovable rocks and mountains of your life. Whatever is immovable around you will move very soon in the name of Jesus! Whatever is taunting you will move away by the force of faith.

I once met a man who was so resolute in his stance against our ministry. He organised the community against us. He organised demonstrations against the ministry. He brought in lawyers to fight against us. He sued my wife and I. He dragged us to court. He served injunctions on the ministry. He sent bailiffs to my office. He refused to negotiate with us. He would not listen to reason. Friends and pastors could not persuade him. Both lawyers and judges were perplexed at his behaviour. I thought to myself, “I have never met anyone like this”. This man became a veritable unmoveable mountain in my life and ministry. But through faith, the mountain that was unmoveable ended up moving. There is no way that I could have predicted how this mountain would move. God intervened and from one day to another, this man was no longer in my life.

Faith will move every mountain. Whatever looks unchangeable, inflexible and unvarying in your life will be forced to move by faith. Expect a victory soon! Your faith works! Your faith will work!