READ: John 14:1-14

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and GREATER WORKS than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. … If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it” – John 14:12-14

Notice this amazing promise of prayer. “Whatsoever you ask in my name I will do. “

This amazing promise to answer prayer is connected to doing the works of God and is connected to doing even greater works. You will not have much to pray about if you don’t do the works of God. You will not be able to pray for long if you don’t do the works of God.

I realize that I don’t have much to say to people who I don’t work with. How are you? How are the children? How is your husband? How is your wife? How is your nation? How is your job? How is the weather? I hear that so-and-so has died? And that is all. This is the conversation for someone I do not work with. Once I start working with you, I have many more things to discuss with you. How much more Almighty God? God has many things to say but He doesn’t have much to say to people He doesn’t work with.

God is interested in His own mighty plans. Your little plans and little life are not very important in the big scheme of affairs.

It would be good for you if you realize quickly that you are not the centre of the universe. God has very great plans, purposes and visions that He is pursuing. We must fit into His mighty plans. We must join His work